enditnow® Day Observed in Italy
Women’s Ministries finds creative ways to address the problem of violence. Italy | WM EUD news | January 2, 2023 | Lina Ferrara In November 2022, many churches in Italy celebrated enditnow Day to raise awareness against violence and…
Domestic Violence Centers Help Victims
Romania | EUD WM News | January 19, 2023 ADRA Romania commemorates the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. As every year, ADRA Romania joins organizations worldwide in the fight against the violation of…
Orange Your World Day 2022
Photo action in local Adventist church is used for social media about enditnow® On November 19, people attending the church service in Tübingen, Germany, were invited to participate in a photo action for the 16 days…
Adventists Say ‘No To Violence’ Across Inter-America
September 8, 2022 | Miami, Florida, United States | Libna Stevens, Inter-American Division News Seventh-day Adventists throughout the Inter-American Division (IAD) called for an end to violence during the “Enditnow” campaign held recently. Enditnow is an annual global initiative…
Healthy Boundaries for Spiritual Leaders
Managing power without abuse is the true test of character and leadership. Leaders in Christian circles do not typically talk about the topic of power among leaders and much less about the abuse of power.…
Christians Need Resilience
enditnow® Sabbath is observed in Luebeck, Germany. Inter-European Division (EUD) [Germany] Marking enditnow® Emphasis Day with a sermon presented by Petra Lolk, the church service in Luebeck on January 23, 2021 concentrated on the topic “Resilience” What does…
Youth Ministries in Italy Joins enditnow® And Says No to Violence
Italian young people make enditnow® video spot viewed across Europe on social media. Inter-European Division (EUD) [Italy] From November 19, 2020, Adventist web sites (HopeMedia Italia, Women’s Ministries, Youth) and social media (Facebook, Instagram, etc.) are…
Thousands of Adventists March Against Domestic Violence in Brazil’s Capital
By: Rafael Brondani, South American Division, and Adventist Review More than 300 Seventh-day Adventist congregations in Brasilia, Brazil, and surrounding areas organized a variety of activities to raise public awareness and fight against domestic violence on…
enditnow® Campaign Breaking the Silence Launches Podcasts
Quebrando o Silêncio: The Seventh-day Adventist Church in Brazil launches podcasts to discuss violence in the family environment. This Tuesday, August 24, the Seventh-day Adventist Church launches a series of podcasts that discuss domestic violence in its…
enditnow® Campaign Addresses Pornography and Teen Violence
General Conference Women’s Ministries (GCWM) began addressing the issue of domestic violence and abuse in 2001 when delegates at Annual Council, one of two yearly business meetings of the Executive Committee of the General Conference,…